
Well said

owen over at Bayosphere says something very nicely that I've been thinking. The comment is longer but the last paragraph is quite important:

The black holes of Nixon's psyche have become modern Republican policy. Ike and Barry Goldwater must be pirouetting in their tombs over the loss of what was once a finely developed civic conscience. How sad that the legacy of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt, of Eisenhower and Goldwater, Rockefeller, Lodge, Taft and so many other honorable Republicans of many philosophies has been erased.

Our family values

In an interview with the Washington Times Speaker DeLay continues the Republican assault on families. Asked whether he agrees with the White House on guest worker and immigration issues DeLay responded:

I've talked to the president about this. He thinks the country of origin is a good idea. He's open to other ideas. He's a little tough on bringing your family. But the key here is you don't want to bring your family, don't allow it - they go home anyway now illegally. They go back and forth all the time. It's not a matter of breaking up families, it's a matter of good sense. If they bring the family and they get established here, they'll never go home.

In other words it's about family values as long it is not one of those families. This kind of subterfuge just makes my blood boil. Congress has proven, very recently in the Schiavo, case that they are willing to throw their traditional family values out the window for a few political points. So if I am to understand correctly the only families that deserve to be together are those of United States Citizens and those who can come on programs that aren't guest worker programs? How does one expect that the immigrant families of guest workers are any different than students? Foreign students can have their families stay with them in the United States and they are expected to leave the country when the visa expires. What is it that would cause Mr. DeLay to expect something different of blue collar workers and their families? This sort of insidious racism and classism is thoroughly disgusting, all the more so in national leaders.


The Washington Post has a story today confirming a memo laying out the perceived political benefits to be gained from the Senate's intervention in the Terri Schiavo case. After weeks of disclaiming political motives the memo puts the lie to the story.

Of course the polls on the subject suggest that the desired political outcome was an all-around miss. "This is an important moral issue and the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue," the memo states. Polls taken a few days later suggest a majority of Evangelical Christians felt the Senate's action was wrong.

Who will pay?

Last week brought us several news stories of great sadness. In Red Lake a teenager committed a horrendous killing in his school. The week began with President Bush signing into law a piece of legislation allowing Federal Courts to intervene in the case of Terry Schiavo. And the Social Security Trustees' 2005 Report was released.

This may seem an odd pairing of events to contemplate. However, the report by the Social Security Trustees clearly shows America is coming to a crisis point. The need for action is immediate and the consequences of inaction are severe. The problem lies not with Social Security, but with Medicare. While several hundred hours were spent by politicians last week attempting to weaken the sanctity of marriage by inserting the government between a couple's wedding vows, little time was spent on the coming medicare calamity.

"The financial outlook for Social Security has improved marginally since 2000," wrote trustees Thomas Saving(R) and John Palmer(D). "In sharp contrast, Medicare's financial outlook has deteriorated dramatically over the past five years and is now much worse that Social Security's." What is missing from the current conversations about saving Social Security is this comparison. Social Security will reach the point where benefits exceed tax revenue by 2017. Medicare reached that point last year. The Social Security trust fund is projected to be exhausted by 2041 while projections place the date at 2019 for Medicare's trust fund.

Medicare is headed for a catastrophic situation with potentially devastating consequences for Americans and our government is more concerned with undoing marriage vows between a husband and wife.

Schiavo and the Senate

This article suggests both sides of the fight over judicial nominations may gain arguments from the Schiavo case. On the liberal side of the isle the case serves to support the idea that we need strong non-political judges to stand up to Congress. On the conservative side of the isle arguments come that the judiciary has overstepped their role. One important point in all of this is that the courts did what a strong majority of Americans want. Across the board, including evangelical Christians a majority of Americans support the right of a family to make family decisions in private and not have the Congress step in.

Republicans in the Senate are pushing to drop filibusters on judicial nominations so that controversial nominees can be more easily appointed. It is important to remember, however, that the Bush Administration has named judges who can't keep their licenses current for these positions.

Nevada political happenings

The Committee to regulate and control marijuana is unhappy with Nevada Assembly Speaker Richard Perkins' comments at the opening of the 2005 session of the Nevada Legislature.

Meanwhile on the National scene The Red State Rebel takes issue with the GOP's anti-Harry Reid memo from earlier this week. Among other things the memo labels Reid's efforts to block conservative judicial appointments as blocking a Republican "talkathon," on delaying tactics.


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