November 2007

Invoke, evoke, provoke

Some of the folks from Cirque du Soleil were on campus Tuesday to talk about the entertainment industry. They shared their corporate mission which I like a great deal. "To invoke the imagination, provoke the senses and evoke the emotions of people around the world." It makes for a good motto too. Invoke, evoke, provoke.

And they have some interesting jobs available for folks living in the right locations.

When RSS feeds go bad

Perhaps I am the only one but when good RSS feeds go to summaries instead of full feeds there quickly earn one fewer subscriber. The value proposition must be there as good bloggers like Guy Kawasaki are now sending out only summary feeds. Not long ago I responded to one of Kawasaki's posts and helped to expand a project he was working on. Now, however, the feed will simply fall out of my reader and someday be replaced by another.

The sound of solitude

Hearing Fish Lake Valley advertised on the radio this morning was pretty fun. The valley has the small town of Dyer, Nevada which is home to a few small businesses. To hear the ads put in the best real estate terms the Mountain Water Ranch Development is just a hop skip and a jump from the slopes in Mammoth, California. Well it might be in the summer, in the winter it could be quite a drive.

Hearing that 10-acres can be yours for only $70,000 must be attractive to some who have challenges reading a map or don't mind being a few (hundred) miles from doctors, dentists and much of civilization. On the other hand it is about the closest thing to Deep Springs College.

Original or a copy?

My wife is in the midst of studying for the nursing boards, the NCLEX exam. To help prepare we ordered some flashcards. One question in the set asks the student to describe the structure and function of the kidney. The answer it suggests is in part "The kidney is composed of several years and is covered with a fibrous capsule, the renal capsule." So it is pretty likely that the kidney is composed more of layers than years but what's a little spell-check error between friends.

What is interesting is the answer on the flash card (which is printed with the copyright "Morrison Media" is verbatim the description of the kidney from Jim Swan's

In fact the sample flash card on the ECG bears a strong resemblance to this page. In this case, however, there is a modicum of re-writing going on.

I guess one question now is did this 'author' copy the right stuff to help one pass the NCLEX?
