March 2004

Season of change

Spring is just around the corner according to the calendar. The Canadian Geese are beginning to pair up and are gathering material to start their nests. The early morning dawn is once again alive with the sounds of birds chirping and singing. New things are beginning.

I've just picked up The First 90 Days: Critical Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels not so much for its leadership ideas but for its ideas about ideas about moving into a new team. I also ordered a book called Inspirational L

Matt Raible:

Do you censor your blog? The question is an interesting one. I'd put it in a bit different terms.... How do you censor your own blog? There are undoubtedly things that blog authors think of but for a variety of reasons they get left out of their blog.


I've been doing a bit of research tonight on the topic of Airport Noise Laq. Of particular interest is any information about laws and regulations that pertain to military air fields.

RSS vs. Atom part II

Dave Winer launched a new round of discussion over RSS and Atom this morning. So far his proposal to merge Atom and RSS seems to be getting some constructive conversation going without degenerating into the flame wars of the recent rounds of discussion.

Storagetek Looses Vice President

StorageTek announced that Jill Kenney vice president of corporate marketing and strategy has left the company. The move follows Kenney's sale of $800,000 in StorageTek stock earlier this month. The sale was four times the size of two sales Kenney made last year. Maybe I'm just suspicious of such things having just completed The Second Coming of Steve Jobs last weekend. It was just last summer when Jill Kenney's department was winning awards.

Wireless in Wichita

I'm posting from the Wichita airport. They have a great free wireless connection! Something more airports should figure out will make their customers much happier!

Celebration of life

This week has been a whirl wind tour. Six states in the last seven days. First we were off to Las Vegas a week ago for a family wedding. It was a very nice wedding at the little old west chapel on the southern end of The Strip. From there a quick trip to California, back through Nevada for a whirlwind visit with my parents and then Arizona, Utah and Colorado. Yesterday I left and came to Kansas for a business trip and to a friend's wedding. A more traditional church ceremony this time. I'll get some of the pictures posted tomorrow.

The weddings have been a wonderful time of seeing old friends and family as well as meeting new friends. It's a wonderful celebration of life and love and one of the most perfect celebrations of a person's life. Congratulations to all the newly weds and may your lives be filled with peace and joy.

Decommissioned software

Brian Clark wrote MacinTouch today about his decision last week to stop publishing and selling several shareware products. It raises an interesting question as many states have laws about warranties and how long certain items have to be supported. Most (if not all) software avoids this by having licenses that specify that you are purchasing a right to use instead of a product that may fall under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.
