The echo chamber

Dave Winer is concerned with openness and disclosure in the mainstream media. It is disappointing that this morning he posted a deceptive item on his site. The item quotes another source "2WW" - the two way web website. The post on the the 2WW website it is Winer's own writing. Linking to one's own writing while hinting it was said by a third party is dishonest.

This is one of the one of the dilemmas the blogging community hasn't adequately addressed. There are sites that I read regularly and respect the authors, but I don't link to as much because they don't want their name associated with their site. I have decided to use people's names when they are known. If I cannot determine the name then I will use the name of the publication in rare cases.

Winer's post makes it seem to the casual reader as though somebody else said something. The truth is Winer wrote it on another website. The post should have said "I wrote this on 2WW" or something to that effect.
